
Fuel the body for improved performance!

Eating a balanced diet which includes all of the body’s essential nutrients is important when training regularly or intensely for any

Face to face classes resume

Monday evening and Thursday morning Pilates classes are now face to face in the Scout hut. Thursday evening classes will resume

Sample Pilates session filmed in lockdown.

Here is a sample session illustrating the types of exercises included in a typical Pilates class. This video is safe to

June Offer!

15% off One to One Pilates sessions throughout June 2020. At present I am able to offer One to One sessions

Do You Need Motivation?

‘Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement’ – Helen Keller During this lockdown period its essential to look after our

Amazing benefits of exercising during pregnancy

Increasing numbers of people are now choosing to continue to exercise during pregnancy and provided a woman has no medical issues

Classes suspended until further notice!

Sadly, due to the Corona virus concerns and government advice on social distancing, I have suspended classes until the situation improves.

Visionary Ideas

It is hard to believe that over 75 years ago Joseph Pilates published his first book outlining his exercise methodology and

Coming soon – New Beginners Pilates class.

Good News! A new beginners class starts Thursdays 7:45 - 8:45 pm in September (2019). Check the Classes page to find

Can Pilates prevent injury?

It is well known that Pilates was originally developed for rehabilitation. Nowadays, many of us are realising the benefits and using